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GET Data from External Endpoint
This page is a draft. Click Edit in a Source Format and use the Import Automation tab. The foll...
Find Rules Assigning Inactive Bins
Get this query from our Analysis suitcase: 4e5a7b48-104c-481d-8857-b5ce1148e9e0:rwf Visually, a ...
🤷 Why Transition to Configurable Joins
Institutions that have been in Slate for several years often have a deep library of queries and r...
Analyze Tracking Query Usage
Configurable Joins doesn't currently support the [] table. Find which queries have t...
Built-In Query Parameters
🧂Make a Dash(board) for it! Custom Record and Reader Dashboards
Custom Record and Reader Dashboard Enhancements for Greater Operations/Advising Efficiencies J...
🩺 Dr. Strangequery Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Configurable Joins
Jon Rowand joined the Graduate Slate Community Users Group (GSCUG) quarterly meeting on July 14...
Batch Edit Entity
How can I batch edit fields or other properties on an Entity? While it's easy to batch edit ...
➕ Sum or Max of Multiple Columns
Configurable Joins makes it easy to use the aggregate SQL functions like SUM() or MAX(). Howeve...
📄 Custom PDFs for the Reader, Downloads, and Document Exports
Slate provides several different options for displaying information to an end user. For instance,...
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