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GET Data from External Endpoint
This page is a draft. Click Edit in a Source Format and use the Import Automation tab. The foll...
Find Rules Assigning Inactive Bins
Get this query from our Analysis suitcase: 4e5a7b48-104c-481d-8857-b5ce1148e9e0:rwf Visually, a ...
π€· Why Transition to Configurable Joins
Institutions that have been in Slate for several years often have a deep library of queries and r...
Analyze Tracking Query Usage
Configurable Joins doesn't currently support the [] table. Find which queries have t...
Built-In Query Parameters
π§Make a Dash(board) for it! Custom Record and Reader Dashboards
Custom Record and Reader Dashboard Enhancements for Greater Operations/Advising Efficiencies J...
π©Ί Dr. Strangequery Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Configurable Joins
Jon Rowand joined the Graduate Slate Community Users Group (GSCUG) quarterly meeting on July 14...
Batch Edit Entity
How can I batch edit fields or other properties on an Entity? While it's easy to batch edit ...
β Sum or Max of Multiple Columns
Configurable Joins makes it easy to use the aggregate SQL functions like SUM() or MAX(). Howeve...
π Custom PDFs for the Reader, Downloads, and Document Exports
Slate provides several different options for displaying information to an end user. For instance,...
π€Ί Hiding Links in the Right-Side Navigation Menu of Application Records
π§Slate Adventures In Progressπ§This page will be updated regularly as we learn of new Slater contr...
π Materials vs Documents
What's the difference between the [material] and [document] tables? The [document] table (te...
π Warn if MMR Date Is Too Early πΆ
You might want to alert someone processing MMRβs in a Workflow that the MMR was received before t...
π Wrapping and Ellipses in Reports
How can I change Slate reports to display and wrap the entire label instead of cutting it off w...
Set Default Value Formula for Prompt-Based Field
Yes, you can use Default Value Formulas with prompt-driven fields. Your formula must output th...
π Install Plausible Analytics
Installing Plausible Analytics in Slate is easy if you take two necessary steps into account. XS...
π Retaining Person and School-Scoped Data from Applications
Institutions using Slate face an issue retaining data that isn't application-scoped when allowing...
𧳠Suitcase Links Provided by Technolutions
Technolutions provides clients with dozens of Suitcase links that allow you to import these sampl...
Removing Special Characters from Exports
If you need to remove a single special character from an export, such as a phone number, you can ...
β Removing Irrelevant Links on Profile Tab
By default, person records in your Slate admissions instance will include links to information ...