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Upgrading Notifications to 9.2.3

We had to completely remove and re-install the Notifications IIS site. Upgrading from 9.1.4 in-place claimed success, but the API did not actually function. appsettings.json was significantly different after clean install. The upgrade file contained a connection string (it should not). Additionally,  it had different key names for EmailSettings keys (SenderPassword vs Password, for example).

Before upgrading the PowerCampusNotifications database, you must clear the notifications table:

DELETE FROM PowerCampusNotifications.[notification].[Notification];

After upgrading, you must create at least one role, user, and token in User Management 9.2.3. Assign the role to the user. Go to the application settings and generate a secret.

Generate one or more tokens for the user. Token contains role info at the time issued. Put token in Self-Service NotificationSettings.json.

When testing a token in Swagger, be sure to prefix your token string with "Bearer " as in the example.

Please read Ellucian's advice for defects PD0009941 and PD0009940. You must follow the workarounds or notifications will not be sent.

Configuring Notifications

In 9.2.3, notifications are configured in three places:

  • Self-Service > Administration > Notifications > Self-Service
  • Self-Service > Administration > Notifications > User Management
  • Web Administration > Notifications (these are the oldest ones like REGPENDAPP and REGPENDCOM)