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Web API - api/applications


Duplicate checking is controlled by the "check duplicates" setting on the Application Form. The global setting under System Administrator > Tools > Setup > Duplicate Checking > Settings does not matter. The IQ.Web Default comparison group settings are used.

Unlike older versions, this version enforces more Data Filters from the Application Form settings. A PDC missing from recruiterMapping.xml, Program of Study, or the Data Filters will be reported as a "Mapping File" error. Check all three locations.

Some of the API responses have changed slightly.

  • HTTP status code 202 is used both for a completely successful POST and for a POST that failed because of missing mappings. Therefore, it may be necessary to attempt to parse the response text.
  • Success messages spell "successfully" as "succesfully" depending on whether or not the application stopped in Handle Applications.

Citizenship Fields

We believe CitizenshipStatus does nothing. Use PrimaryCitizenship and SecondaryCitizenship instead. If PrimaryCitizenship is null, SecondaryCitizenship is treated as null.


  • Posting more than about ~100 applications may cause IIS worker pool connection starvation. This has been reported to Ellucian.
  • Ethnicity (aka Hispanic) field is defined as string in the Swagger definition. We think it's really an integer and that something is wrong with it. Ellucian is investigating.
  • Address: County field does not work at all. This has been confirmed as as defect. It supposed to accept a CountyId integer.