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Episode Four - Planning for Slate Summit

When choosing which sessions to attend at Slate Summit you want to make the most out of your time and networking opportunities. Here's a method you can follow:
  1. Set Your Goals: Determine your primary objectives for attending the conference. Are you looking to learn about new skills, brainstorm creative solutions to problems, or connect with higher education professionals? Your goals will guide your session choices. This is a great way to include coworkers to make sure you're working toward both institutional and personal goals. 
  2. Review the Agenda: Carefully review the Summit schedule, including presentations, affinity groups, and networking events. Look for topics that align with your goals and interests. Note session titles, speakers, and descriptions.
  3. Prioritize: Not all sessions will be equally valuable to you. Prioritize the sessions that are most relevant to your institutional and personal goals and professional development. Focus on sessions that will provide new insights, skills, or perspectives.
  4. Diversify: While focusing on your main goals, try to diversify your session choices. You may work in an advancement office, but be able to learn something new by attending a session led by someone working in an admissions office.
  5. Be Open to Change: Conference dynamics can change, and sometimes you might find out more about a session's content or speaker closer to Summit. Stay flexible and be open to adjusting your schedule if a session that wasn't initially on your radar becomes more appealing.
  6. Network Strategically: Networking is a crucial aspect of Slate Summit. Identify affinity groups, social events, and opportunities to connect with fellow attendees. Balance your schedule to allow for meaningful interactions. Keep an eye out for events hosted by preferred partners and user groups.
  7. Stay Balanced: Summit can be intense, so make sure to balance your schedule with breaks, meals, and downtime. It's essential to stay refreshed and engaged throughout the event.
Remember, you might not be able to attend every session you're interested in, so be prepared to make choices that align with your goals and priorities. You can always check out the presentation slides after Summit and reach out to the presenter with questions then.

Connect with our guest: 

Check out her presentation as part of the Show-and-Tell event at Summit on Thursday, June 20th at 12:40pm in Festival Hall A1.

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