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Episode Three - Public Speaking & Presentation Slides

Presenting as part of Slate Summit can be a nerve-wracking yet rewarding experience. Here are some tips to help you deliver a confident and impactful presentation:
  1. Engaging Opening: Start with a compelling hook, story, or statistic to grab your audience's attention right from the beginning. Memorizing your entire presentation word-for-word can make you sound robotic, but your nerves are going to be biggest at the beginning, so memorize your opening and let the rest flow.
  2. Vocal Variety: Vary your tone, pitch, and pace to keep your audience engaged. A monotonous voice can make your presentation less interesting.
  3. Body Language: Use open and confident body language. Stand tall, use purposeful gestures, and move around the stage if possible. 
  4. Be Passionate: Show your enthusiasm for the topic. A passionate speaker is more likely to captivate the audience. We’re all there to talk about software for higher education. We’re not cool, so don’t worry about looking like a nerd.
  5. Be Authentic: Be yourself. Authenticity builds trust and makes your presentation more relatable. You don’t need to know what you don’t know.

Remember that public speaking skills improve with practice. Even experienced speakers have room for growth. Embrace each opportunity as a chance to learn and develop your abilities.

Creating your an engaging and polished slide deck is essential to effectively communicate your ideas and engage your audience. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you create an impactful presentation:
  1. Content Creation:
    • Keep your content concise and avoid overcrowding slides with too much information.
    • Use bullet points, short phrases, and visuals to convey key points.
    • Use high-quality images, charts, graphs, and diagrams to illustrate your ideas.
    • Include real-world examples, case studies, and anecdotes to make your points relatable.
  2. Visual Design:
    • Maintain a consistent color scheme and font style throughout the presentation.
    • Use contrasting colors for text and background to ensure readability.
    • Avoid excessive animations and transitions that can distract from your message.
  3. Text and Typography:
    • Limit the amount of text on each slide. Aim for a few key points per slide.
    • Use a font size that is easily readable from a distance.
    • Avoid using too many fonts; stick to two or three complementary fonts.
  4. Practice Delivery:
    • Rehearse your presentation with your slides multiple times to ensure smooth delivery.
    • Practice your timing to stay within the allotted presentation time.
    • Gather feedback from colleagues or friends to make necessary improvements.
  5. Conclude Well:
    • Include your contact details or social media handles for attendees to reach out after the presentation.
    • Consider what you’re leaving your audience with. Show off your work by linking to a portfolio, providing a suitcase link or having attendees fill out a great survey you’ve made in Slate forms.

Connect with our guests:

Mark Ledoux LinkedIn:

Corey Stamco LinkedIn:

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