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πŸ” Managing Query Use in Slate

Slate πŸ“š Reference

One of the features that tends to excites institutions new to Slate is the ability for staff to h...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Isaac Best

Episode Six - Summit 2024 and Beyond

The ReWorkflow Podcast

We hope listening to this episode helped you feel equipped for Summit and your return home after ...

Updated 2 weeks ago by Megan Story

πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Impersonating Applications

Slate πŸ“š Reference

If you have the Person Impersonate permission, you can impersonate an application, but like Icaru...

Updated 3 weeks ago by Isaac Best

πŸ“” Documenting Slate

Slate πŸ“š Reference

Why There is so much work to do that documentation can fall to the wayside, but then there’s a s...

Updated 3 weeks ago by Isaac Best

πŸ“œ Differences Between Old and New Transcript Checklist Items

Slate πŸ“š Reference

Sometime around 2020, Technolutions changed the default transcript checklist generation method in...

Updated 3 weeks ago by Isaac Best

πŸ–¨ Decision Letter Printing

Slate πŸ“š Reference

This article is out of date. Slate now features two PDF rendering engines; the author has not eva...

Updated 3 weeks ago by Isaac Best

πŸ”¨ Controlling Rule Execution Order

Slate πŸ“š Reference

How can I control the order in which Slate's automation rules run? I need these three rules to ...

Updated 3 weeks ago by Isaac Best

πŸ‘₯ Consolidate Records

Slate πŸ“š Reference

Β Consolidate Records is the tool available in Slate to resolve issues with duplicate records. You...

Updated 3 weeks ago by Isaac Best

πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Configurable Joins from an IT Perspective

Slate πŸ“š Reference

IT users dropped into Slate for the first time are often frustrated by Configurable Joins. Wha...

Updated 3 weeks ago by Isaac Best

πŸ“… Calendar vs Date Form Elements πŸ“†

Slate πŸ“š Reference

Summary Generally, Slate stores date values in custom fields as text, even when the field data...

Updated 3 weeks ago by Isaac Best

βœ” Checklist Custom Statuses

Slate πŸ“š Reference

We generally advise against using custom checklist statuses. The XML configuration section of a ...

Updated 3 weeks ago by Isaac Best

πŸ₯Έ Hiding Slate's Default Dashboards

Slate πŸ‘©β€πŸ³ Harder Recipes

🚧Slate Adventures In Progress🚧This page will be updated regularly as we learn of new Slater contr...

Updated 3 weeks ago by Wyatt Best

Important Gotchas

Slate πŸ”Œ The Slate API

While we wish that we could directly connect Slate to every third-party API, there are two genera...

Updated 3 weeks ago by Wyatt Best

Query Application Logic

Slate Skills

Until Application Logic gets its own query base (πŸ” requires login), you can query your hard and s...

Updated 3 weeks ago by Isaac Best

Field Search Tool

Slate Analysis

Finding custom field usage in forms is easy, thanks to the Field Search tool! You'll find it unde...

Updated 3 weeks ago by Isaac Best

πŸ“§ Adding to the Dashboard "Connect" Section

Slate πŸ‘©β€πŸ³ Harder Recipes

What if you want to add student’s institutional email addresses to Slate? πŸ€” Let’s suppose you suc...

Updated 3 weeks ago by Isaac Best

πŸ‘“ Editing School Records in Reader Forms

Slate πŸ‘©β€πŸ³ Harder Recipes

If your staff correct school records based on transcripts, you can pre-load information from scho...

Updated 3 weeks ago by Isaac Best

🀺 "Hiding" Links in the Right-Side Navigation Menu of Application Records

Slate πŸ‘©β€πŸ³ Harder Recipes

🚧Slate Adventures In Progress🚧This page will be updated regularly as we learn of new Slater contr...

Updated 3 weeks ago by Isaac Best

Bin Movement Rule not Replacing Readers πŸ‘“

Slate 🎟 Real-World Tickets

Problem A bin movement rule is working fine in most cases, but a small subset of applications ar...

Updated 3 weeks ago by Isaac Best

TIFF Exporting to Perceptive Content in Wrong Orientation

Slate 🎟 Real-World Tickets

Documents exported from Slate to Perceptive Content were all coming through as portrait format, e...

Updated 3 weeks ago by Isaac Best