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๐Ÿ“ง Adding to the Dashboard "Connect" Section

What if you want to add studentโ€™s institutional email addresses to Slate? ๐Ÿค” Letโ€™s suppose you successfully configure your SIS integration to pass this data back to Slate. Where should it be stored?

Donโ€™t touch that (field) dial! We strongly recommend adding your .edu emails as a device_type prompt instead of creating a field.

New Device Type Prompt

Go into Prompts and create a new device_type prompt like College Email, Edu Email, or whatever you want to call it. The key is to enter email as the Category.

new device_type prompt.png

Populate Your New Device Type

After adding the prompt, you should be able to add College Email devices manually or via imports.

adding a new device.png

After getting some email addresses uploaded, you should be able to select them via the Connect section of the person dashboard:

dashboard connect.png

What if you want to take this a step further and add the .edu email directly to the Connect section to save a few clicks? ๐ŸŽฏ

Create Merge Fields in the Person Dashboard

Add {{person_guid}} and {{college_email}} to your Person Dashboard. You will need the following exports:

connect dashboard exports.png

Drilling down into the college_email export:

college_email export.png

Add a Script to the Person Dashboard

ย  if ("{{college_email}}".length > 0) {
ย  ย  newConnect = "<span>College Email </span><a href=\"#\" data-href=\"/manage/lookup/message?cmd=compose&amp;person={{person_guid}}&amp;recipient={{college_email}}\" onclick=\"return (FW.Lazy.Popup(this));\" style=\"word-break: break-all;\">{{college_email}}</a>";

ย  ย  // If there's no Connect section, add it above Tags
ย  ย  connectDiv = $("h2:contains('Connect')").next();
ย  ย  if (connectDiv.length == 0) {
ย  ย  ย  tagsH2 = $('h2:contains("Tags")');
ย  ย  ย  newConnect = "<h2>Connect</h2><div>" + newConnect + "</div>";
ย  ย  ย  html = $.parseHTML(newConnect);
ย  ย  ย  $(html).insertBefore(tagsH2);
ย  ย  }
ย  ย  else {
ย  ย  ย  // Add to existing Connect section
ย  ย  ย  html = $.parseHTML(newConnect);
ย  ย  ย  $(newConnect).appendTo(connectDiv);
ย  ย  }
ย  }

You should now see your .edu email directly on the dashboard! Clicking it should pre-select the .edu email in the To field.

results of adding to connect.png

Custom device type email addresses are recognized as email addresses (๐Ÿ” requires login)

Adding another type to the "Connect" section of the Record Dashboards