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Find Rules Assigning Bin

Slate Analysis

Finding which rule is assigning a bin requires knowing the bin's GUID. You can query this from th...

Updated 1 month ago by Wyatt Best


Slate Slate FW Framework

This article has not been checked for accuracy. This function generates a modal pop-up dialog wi...

Updated 1 month ago by Wyatt Best

Web API - api/applications

PowerCampus 9.2.3

Notes Duplicate checking is controlled by the "check duplicates" setting on the Application Form...

Updated 1 month ago by Wyatt Best

Episode Five - Networking at Slate Summit

The ReWorkflow Podcast

Networking at Slate Summit can be a valuable opportunity to connect with higher education profess...

Updated 1 month ago by Megan Story



The PEOPLEORGBALANCE table contains pre-computed balance information sliced and diced in many way...

Updated 1 month ago by Wyatt Best


Slate Slate FW Framework

This function calls jQuery's ajax() function behind the scenes and provides some handy extra func...

Updated 2 months ago by Wyatt Best

Slate Administrative Bookmarklets

Slate Skills

New to bookmarklets? Learn more about them. Switch to test: javascript: dbname = $('.footer_mac...

Updated 2 months ago by Wyatt Best

Dataset Row Query Shows Errors

Slate 🎟 Real-World Tickets

Symptoms User sees: An error has occurred retrieving these results. when viewing a dataset recor...

Updated 2 months ago by Wyatt Best

How to Change EDconnect 8.x Network Database Location

Slate 🎟 Real-World Tickets

🛳 Ahoy! Non-Slate content ahead! Ever needed to move the edconn8.mdb file, perhaps because you a...

Updated 2 months ago by Wyatt Best

⌛ Automate Loading EST, GRE, or TOEFL Scores into Slate

Slate 👩‍🍳 Harder Recipes

This article is a stub.

Updated 2 months ago by Megan Story

Finding Query Exports and Filters by Name

Slate Analysis

Need to find all queries that use a particular filter or export? This will search for query filte...

Updated 2 months ago by Wyatt Best

🎚️ Add an SSO Login Button

Slate 🥣 Easy Recipes

Adding a little JavaScript to the login page instructions can allow students, staff, etc. the cho...

Updated 2 months ago by Megan Story

Finding Queries by SFTP Export Server

Slate Analysis

Need to query for queries that export to a particular server? In this example, is th...

Updated 2 months ago by Wyatt Best

Finding Keywords in Portal HTML Content

Slate Analysis

A CJ version of this query can be easily imported from a Suitcase: 4e5a7b48-104c-481d-8857-b5ce11...

Updated 2 months ago by Wyatt Best

Find Unmapped Prompt Values in Source Formats

Slate Analysis

Although it's possible to query for Source Formats with unmapped prompt values, this query is not...

Updated 2 months ago by Wyatt Best

Dump Source Format Mappings

Slate Analysis

This page is under construction. SELECT fmap.c.value('@src', 'nvarchar(max)') AS src_field ,fm...

Updated 2 months ago by Wyatt Best

Query Data Dictionary

Slate Skills

This is a work in progress. Only tested with CJ queries. Given the GUID of a query, this will sp...

Updated 2 months ago by Wyatt Best

Find Rules Assigning Inactive Users

Slate Analysis

These queries will find rules that set fields with user prompts or Reader queues where the user i...

Updated 2 months ago by Wyatt Best

Find Forms Not Covered by Origin Source Types ☂

Slate Analysis

This query finds forms that are Person- or Application Creation-scoped and are not included any a...

Updated 2 months ago by Wyatt Best

Find Forms Using Old STL Conditional Logic

Slate Analysis

This has been lightly tested. Please email us at support at if you find inaccuraci...

Updated 2 months ago by Wyatt Best