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Exclude Uploaded Materials from Document Export

When exporting from Configurable Joins - Document base to a document management system (BDM, OnBase, DocuWare, etc.), you may wish to avoid exporting certain documents based on source. For example, after implementing Slate, you might import a batch of materials from your document system which should not go right back into the document system.

CJ queries don't currently have the joins needed for this, but a little but of SQL and an independent subquery join can get it done!

Key points:

  • The [document] table is a sort of mirror of the [material] table but with extra information for exporting. Both tables share the same GUIDs.
  • The source GUIDs on [material] are helpful, but the source GUIDs on [document] are not.

See below for an example of how to find documents/materials connected to Source.



The formula:ย 

@Source-independent-subquery-GUID =
(select [source] from [material] where [id] = @Document-GUID)

After setting up the above, adding additional source filters is easy!
