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Query Application Logic

Until Application Logic gets its own query base (๐Ÿ” requires login), you can query your hard and soft fails with custom SQL:

SELECT f.[alias]
ย  ย  ,f.[name]
ย  ย  ,f.[fullpath]
ย  ย  ,f.[tooltip]
ย  ย  ,lr.[id]
ย  ย  ,lr.[type]
ย  ย  ,lr.[section]
ย  ย  ,lr.[name]
ย  ย  ,lr.[warning]
ย  ย  ,lr.[sql]
ย  ย  ,lr.[parent]
ย  ย  ,lr.[active]
ย  ย  ,lr.[base]
ย  ย  --,lr.*
FROM [lookup.requirement] lr
LEFT JOIN [folder.item] fi
ย  ย  ON fi.[item_id] = lr.[id]
LEFT JOIN [folder] f
ย  ย  ON f.[id] = fi.[folder_id]
WHERE lr.[type] <> 'prompt'

To see all columns, uncomment lr.*, but be aware that the Slate query tool may throw the following error because of excessively long XML in the [query] column. Direct SQL does not have this limitation.

Row size is limited to 64KB.