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๐Ÿ“œ๐ŸŒŒ Content Blocks for Script Reuse in Portals

Did you know? You can use content blocks (snippets) without any merge fields/query involvement.

Potential benefits:

  • Maintain a script component in a central location and use it in multiple portal Views
  • Sidestep some CKEditor formatting issues (the rich text editor smunging up your beautiful script ๐Ÿ˜ญ)

You can also use this method in form instruction blocks! Just make sure you have at least one merge field export defined, such as a literal.

How it Works

Content blocks use the following syntax:

{{<value> | snippet:<key>}}

Theย value and key can be either static strings or merge fields. In the case of static values, enclose the value in quotes.


{{"checklist_test_score" | snippet:"portal_content"}}


This example will merge in script content (or whatever content) from theย checklist_test_score line.