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๐Ÿคบ "Hiding" top bar of Slate Homepage (including upcoming events)

The Why

The top navigation menu on the Slate homepage provides direct links to some additional Slate resources, as well as a list of upcoming events for which the logged in user is the User 1. However, there is currently no functionality for customizing or hiding these links nor is there a way to control who has access to them.ย 


The How

  1. Go to Queries > Widgets:


  2. Create a new Widget called "Homepage" if you do not already have one.

  3. Click "Add Chart" and select "Custom SQL / HTML"
  4. Insert the following code:
<script type="text/javascript" xmlns=""> 
$( ".no-mobile" ).remove(); 
  $( ".upcoming-events" ).remove();</script>

You will want to include some content in the HTML widget. There are many possibilities including calls to action, links, or status updates. And now that you have so much more real estate available, how will you use it? Aย Homepage Report, perhaps?

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