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๐Ÿ“œ Differences Between Old and New Transcript Checklist Items

Sometime around 2020, Technolutions changed the default transcript checklist generation method in new Slate instances from SQL trigger-based to Rules-based.

Summary of Behavior Changes

  • Transcript (Copy) materials (sys:transcript behind the scenes) no longer change the checklist item status from Awaiting to Received Copy. Instead, both sys:transcript and sys:transcript_official change the status to Received.
  • Adding or updating a School record or transcript material must now wait for the rules to run before any changes are applied to the checklist.
  • Schools lacking a Level of Study now show in the checklist, whereas they did not show before.
  • Renaming a school doesn't update the school name in the checklist. (Update 2023-04-14 - ๐Ÿ” requires login)
  • Uploading a new transcript does not update the checklist date when already fulfilled (Source - ๐Ÿ” requires login)

Summary of Configuration Changes

  • A new Rule called School-Specific Transcript Checklist Item exists by default.
  • Two new Checklist items exist by default, one of them in the Transcript (special use only) section.
  • Additionally, transcript checklist items are stored differently in the [checklist] table, but that's invisible to users.

Switching Between Methods

These instructions have not been thoroughly tested.

If your Slate instance uses the newer behavior and you wish to use the old behavior, be aware that Technolutions recommends the new method going forward. Although it currently offers few advantages, perhaps it will offer more in the future.


To restore the old functionality, delete the new rule. Inactivate the new Checklist items and change the Section to something other than Transcript (special use only).

Record Cleanup

To delete or add the older-style checklist items, go to /manage/database/cleanup?type=config in Slate.

To delete or add the newer-style checklist items, adjust your rules and run a retroactive refresh.

Transcript Checklist Doesn't use Received (Copy) in Newer Slate Instances

Migrating from Auto-Generated Transcripts to Rule-Generated Transcripts

School-Scoped Checklist Doesn't Update

Replace Default Checklist Items for System Materials