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Fraud Query Timing Out

Some users noticed that the delivered, custom SQL Fraud Query had become so slow that it timed out before completion. By rewriting the query to reduce duplicate table hits, we were able to make it work again.

Another improvement we made was to output the query results to a Materialized View, then querying the view from a regular CJ query. The CJ frontend makes it easy for users to filter the results and add additional, standard exports. One downside of pre-computing the results is that they are not longer real-time, but highly selective schools who care deeply about fraud tend to have slower processing times than open-access schools.

Because of the sensitive nature of this query, we won't share it here, but contact us if you'd like a copy.

Jasmine Solomon over at NYU shared tools for identifying similar fraud once an initial case is identified in Identifying Fraud Cases - Query Library.