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How to Change EDconnect 8.x Network Database Location

๐Ÿ›ณ Ahoy! Non-Slate content ahead!

Ever needed to move the edconn8.mdb file, perhaps because you are migrating to a new file server?

The software's terrible UI offers no way to do this, and the software will not even start if it cannot find the database file ๐Ÿ˜ต. It'll throw an error like

A database error has occured. Description: Could not find file '\\server\path\EDconn8.mdb'. in DAO.Workspace.

followed by

System error: Unable to open database

Using Registry Editor, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\The Department of Education\EDconnect\8.x and change the REG_SZ value Database. The value of the key should be the full path, including the file name. I assume you would do the same thing in a 32-bit environment, minus WOW6432Node in the registry path.

You may also need to remap the locations for Send and Receive. Do this in the software under New > Security View > User Properties (right-click a user) > Directories.