Find Forms Using Old STL Conditional Logic
This has been lightly tested. Please email us at support at if you find inaccuracies!
There have been reports of STL/Local query based conditional logic on forms and events breaking spontaneously, so we recommend proactively replacing such logic with Configurable Joins-based logic.
The following queries can help you locate forms using the older-style logic.
Conditional Logic Filters
This finds conditional logic filters - i.e. the filters at the very bottom of the Edit Field dialog.
SELECT f.[summary] [Form Title]
,f.[name] [Form Internal Name]
,f.[id] [Form GUID]
,'' + dbo.toGUIDstring(f.[id]) [Link]
,f.[category] [Form Folder]
,coalesce(ff.[labelText], ff.[type]) [Field Name]
,ff.[export] [Export Key]
,ff.[position] [Field Position]
,lq.[name] [Filter Name]
,lb2.[name] AS [Base]
FROM [form.field] ff
INNER JOIN [lookup.query] lq
ON lq.[id] = ff.[config].value('(/p/v/w/@id)[1]', 'nvarchar(50)')
INNER JOIN [lookup.base] lb
ON lb.[id] = lq.[base]
LEFT JOIN [lookup.base] lb2
ON lb2.[id] = lb.[related].value('(t/text())[1]', 'nvarchar(50)')
INNER JOIN [form] f
ON f.[id] = ff.[form]
WHERE 1 = 1
--CJ filters are joinable
AND lb.[joinable] = 0
--Exclude archived
AND f.[archived] = 0
--Exclude inactive fields
AND ff.[active] = 1
--Exclude Canceled/Tentative forms except future dated events or non-archived templates
f.[type] IN (
AND (cast(f.[dtend] AS DATE) >= cast(getdate() AS DATE))
OR (
f.[type] IN ('form')
AND f.[status] IN (
OR f.[category] IN ('Templates')
ORDER BY f.[id]
Prompt Conditional Logic
This finds prompt conditional logic filters.
SELECT f.[summary] [Form Title]
,f.[name] [Form Internal Name]
,f.[id] [Form GUID]
,'' + dbo.toGUIDstring(f.[id]) [Link]
,f.[category] [Form Folder]
,ff.[labelText] [Field Name]
,ff.[export] [Export Key]
,ff.[position] [Field Position]
,ff.[prompts].value('(/t[contains(., sql:column("lr.[prompt]"))])[1]', 'nvarchar(256)') [prompt]
,lb.[name] AS [Base]
FROM [form.field] ff
INNER JOIN [form] f
ON f.[id] = ff.[form]
INNER JOIN [lookup.requirement] lr
ON ff.[id] = lr.[parent]
AND lr.[base] = f.[id]
INNER JOIN [lookup.base] lb
ON lb.[id] = lr.[query].value('(base/text())[1]', 'nvarchar(36)')
WHERE 1 = 1
AND lr.[type] = 'prompt'
--CJ filters are not joinable
AND lb.[joinable] = 0
--Exclude archived
AND f.[archived] = 0
AND ff.[active] = 1
--Exclude Canceled/Tentative forms except future dated events or non-archived templates
f.[type] IN (
AND (cast(f.[dtend] AS DATE) >= cast(getdate() AS DATE))
OR (
f.[type] IN ('form')
AND f.[status] IN (
OR f.[category] IN ('Templates')
ORDER BY f.[id]
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