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Bin Movement Rule not Replacing Readers ๐Ÿ‘“


A bin movement rule is working fine in most cases, but a small subset of applications are moved to the correct destination bin without the readers updating at all.

Upon further inspection, the rule was attempting to replace multiple readers with a single reader already in the list of queue readers.


Replacing a multi-valued field's contents with a new value already in the set of existing values does nothing (๐Ÿ” requires login).

To state it another way, when a rule proposes to change Field 1 to 'ABC' but Field 1 already has 'ABD' and 'DEF' present, the check for whether or not the proposed new value already exists returns true and nothing happens. The user expected 'DEF' to be deleted.


First clear the readers, then re-populate the readers:ย Set your existing bin movement rule action to "Clear Readers." Create another rule that populates the reader queue.