📝 Rich Text Editor in a Form
Have you ever wanted to allow persons/end users to input HTML? You might do this to allow a person lacking a Slate user account to insert content, or for other reasons.
Thanks to Lloyd Lentz for the improved script!
Basically, we pick a Paragraph Text (textarea) form element, supply some background scripts, then transform the textarea into a CKEditor.
Your text field will store raw HTML. If you output it in a portal, use Liquid like {{ field_name | rawhtml }}
to avoid the HTML being escaped.
- Create a Paragraph Text form element. We recommend width 80 and height 10.
- Create an Instructions form element below the Paragraph Text and supply the below code in the source.
- The first three scripts are needed resources. You may need to find updated URL's as Technolutions continues to update Slate.
- Update
var exportKey = "some_notes";
with the actual export key of your textarea.
// Define the export key
var exportKey = "purpose";
// Load CKEditor and CKFinder scripts dynamically
).done(function () {
// All scripts loaded successfully, now find the textarea and attach CKEditor
var textareaId = $('div[data-export="' + exportKey + '"] textarea').attr('id');
if (textareaId) {
if (CKEDITOR.instances[textareaId]) {
editor = CKEDITOR.replace(textareaId, {
startupFocus: true,
fullPage: false,
height: 320,
forceEnterMode: true,
toolbar: CKEDITOR.getToolbar('full'),
removePlugins: 'image,templates'
}).fail(function () {
console.error("One or more scripts failed to load.");
removes images and template options under the assumption that people submitting the form do not have /manage access. Alternate version that allows image and template browsing:
// Define the export key
var exportKey = "purpose";
// Load CKEditor and CKFinder scripts dynamically
).done(function () {
// All scripts loaded successfully, now find the textarea and attach CKEditor
var textareaId = $('div[data-export="' + exportKey + '"] textarea').attr('id');
if (textareaId) {
if (CKEDITOR.instances[textareaId]) {
editor = CKEDITOR.replace(textareaId, {
filebrowserImageBrowseUrl: '/manage/database/asset?cmd=browse&type=images',
filebrowserBrowseUrl: '/manage/database/asset?cmd=browse&type=documents',
templates_files: ['/manage/deliver/?cmd=templates'],
startupFocus: true,
fullPage: false,
height: 320,
forceEnterMode: true,
toolbar: CKEDITOR.getToolbar('full'),
}).fail(function () {
console.error("One or more scripts failed to load.");
I propose the following, which allows us to use the ExportKey, which is user defined in the form.
// Define the export key
var exportKey = "purpose";
// Find the textarea based on the export key and get its ID
var textareaId = $('div[data-export="' + exportKey + '"] textarea').attr('id');
// Attach the CKEditor using the dynamically obtained ID
if (textareaId) {
if (CKEDITOR.instances[textareaId]) {
editor = CKEDITOR.replace(textareaId, {
filebrowserImageBrowseUrl: '/manage/database/asset?cmd=browse&type=images',
filebrowserBrowseUrl: '/manage/database/asset?cmd=browse&type=documents',
templates_files: ['/manage/deliver/?cmd=templates'],
startupFocus: true,
fullPage: false,
height: 320,
forceEnterMode: true,
toolbar: CKEDITOR.getToolbar('full'),
... and even better
// Define the export key
var exportKey = "purpose";
// Load CKEditor and CKFinder scripts dynamically
).done(function() {
// All scripts loaded successfully, now find the textarea and attach CKEditor
var textareaId = $('div[data-export="' + exportKey + '"] textarea').attr('id');
if (textareaId) {
if (CKEDITOR.instances[textareaId]) {
editor = CKEDITOR.replace(textareaId, {
filebrowserImageBrowseUrl: '/manage/database/asset?cmd=browse&type=images',
filebrowserBrowseUrl: '/manage/database/asset?cmd=browse&type=documents',
templates_files: ['/manage/deliver/?cmd=templates'],
startupFocus: true,
fullPage: false,
height: 320,
forceEnterMode: true,
toolbar: CKEDITOR.getToolbar('full'),
}).fail(function() {
console.error("One or more scripts failed to load.");
In reply to #2
Thanks, Lloyd!