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โ›” Removing Irrelevant Links on Profile Tab

By default, person records in your Slate admissions instance will include links to information such as sports, courses, and jobs. But not all institutions make use of these and it may be beneficial to streamline your experience on the profile tab. The good news is that these links can be removed!ย 

ย profile_links.png

In Slate, navigate to Database > Tabs and you will then see a list of all tabs in your instance, including several associated with the Person record. You can inactivate any of these tabs that aren't currently needed in your instance.ย 


Which tabs you want to inactivate will be individual to your institution. While some institutions may find school information and test scores vital while entirely disregarding sports and interests, other institutions may need job information but have no use for courses.

We strongly recommend not inactivating essential tabs such as the timeline, materials, dashboard, etc.

Be sure to document how you did this so you (or a coworker) can activate the tab if needed in the future.